FacadeMD Facade Maintenance Design, PC

 About FacadeMD


Careful and thorough examination of the building's exterior allows FacadeMD to provide an analysis of current conditions as well serving as a benchmark for future investigations and work to be performed.

The FacadeMDTeam examines all exterior elements from roofs and windows to facades, plazas, sidewalks and parking facilities. Investigative reports detail existing conditions with respect to deteriorating materials, potential waterproofing problems, recommended cosmetic treatments, routine maintenance recommendations and include any owner/manager specified additional investigations that may be warranted by FacadeMD's initial building survey.

The detailed format of the FacadeMDInvestigative Report provides the framework for determining work to be performed and aids in determining costs and in prioritizing activities for the owner/manager.

FacadeMD Investigative Reports serve to:

• Assess needed repairs or restoration activities and estimate cost
• Reveal existing or potential waterproofing/water seepage problems
• Critique the effectiveness of maintenance programs
• Evaluate and prioritize cosmetic treatments or exterior material upgrades
• Assist owners/managers in the valuation process for tax, sale or estate purposes

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